Современная медицинская статистика и вопросы компьютеризации
Современная медицинская статистика и вопросы компьютеризации
Обзор 0/3
In this section we'll show you how this course has been structured and how to get the most out of it. We'll also show you how to solve the exercises and submit quizzes.
Basics 0/7
In this section you'll learn some basic concepts of programming languages and how to use them. You'll also learn how to write clean code using different code editors and tools.
Лекция 2.1Работа со строками40 минут40m
Лекция 2.2Работа с числами35 минут35m
Лекция 2.3Множества и логические значения20 минут20m
Лекция 2.4Регулярные выражения20 минут20m
Лекция 2.5Контроль версий30 минут30m
Викторина 2.1Функциональные упражнения3 вопроса10 минут10m
Викторина 2.2Упражнение по моделированию форм3 вопроса10 минут10m
Advanced 0/4
In this section you'll learn some core concepts of Object Oriented Programming. You'll also learn how to structure the data, debug and handling exceptions.
Conclusion 0/1
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type.
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Регулярные выражения
Функциональные упражнения